I seem to be saying this a lot lately but it seems there is a never-ending supply of new earphone manufacturers coming out of China, making everything from ultra low budget single dynamics to TOTL priced multiple BA behemoths. Weizawa Technology is one of those newly formed companies. Today I’ll be looking at their first product, the Whizzer A15 single dynamic earphone.
Disclaimer: This sample was sent to me for the purpose of an honest review. I am not affiliated with the company or seller and all observations and opinions here are my own, based on my personal experience with the product.
At the time of writing the Whizzer A15 is listed at $69.
Available at:
- Build quality
- Fantastic accessories
- Big bass and light, airy treble
- I’m not a fan of the memory wire
Packaging and accessories
What’s in the box
- Whizzer A15 IEM
- x3 pairs of silicone “reference” eartips (S, M, L)
- x3 pairs of silicone “transparency” eartips (S, M, L)
- x2 pairs of foam tips (M, L)
- box of anti-dust dampers
- aluminium forceps for removing and inserting dampers
- warranty card
- user manual
- detachable MMCX cable
- protein leather semi-hard carry case
The ear-tips are secured on a nice aluminium plate that also doubles as a little stand for convenience or display. The carry case is made of pleather and seals magnetically. It’s a perfect size for holding the earphones and fits nicely in your pocket.
On to the cable which has rubberized sheath on the top end and is cloth covered below the Y-split. At the top is some pretty stiff memory wire and the male MMCX connectors. The Y-split is metal and there’s also a metal cable cinch. There are good strain reliefs at all the necessary points and the cable terminates in a 45° degree, gold-plated 3.5 mm plug.
The cable is of good quality like everything else included but I had a very difficult time with it due to the stiff memory wire and angle of the connectors that just would not allow me to get a proper fit no matter how hard I tried. In the end I switched it out for a third party cable I had laying around. This might only be an issue for my personal ear anatomy so I’m not going to deduct any points as it will likely be fine for most people.

Build, comfort and isolation
The A15’s casings are constructed of lightweight stainless steel and are really nicely crafted with smooth edges all around. There’s a bit of weight to them – obviously more than plastic casings but they’re still fairly light (much lighter than the TFZ Balance 2M). On the outer side is the company’s logo and the inside is bare except for an air vent/bass port. The overall finish is very nice and the gap between the two halves of the casing is barely noticeable. I don’t want to sound like a broken record but everything that comes in the box is top quality.
This is a really comfortable IEM and I have no problem wearing the A15 for hours on end. They don’t feel heavy or have any pressure build up and the rounded casings are ergonomic.
Isolation is above average, assuming you’re getting a good seal with your selected ear-tips. These are perfect for noisy environments and use in transit and block out a lot of external noise.
Sources used for testing
Acoustic Research M20
PC/MusicBee > Sabaj D3 DAC/amp
This IEM will sound good out of almost any source as its easy to drive with an impedance of just 16 ohms and high sensitivity of 110dB so a smartphone or budget DAP will have more than enough juice. As always though, with different sources your mileage will vary and my personal preference for the A15 is a neutral or brighter DAP.
The A15 has a “fun” type of tuning with an accentuated bass along with plenty of warmth and musicality thrown in. I wouldn’t say it’s V-shaped as the top end seems relatively linear so perhaps something more like an L-shape would better describe it. That’s not to say it’s all about the bass though as it remains fairly balanced and the midrange while not being forward is not greatly recessed either. The beryllium driver shows plenty of agility in the treble as well.
So the bass is boosted here there’s no doubt about that. They’re certainly not a basshead IEM but they’re well north of neutral and can bring it in spades when called for. It’s not particularly fast or snappy, rather the attack on bass notes is a little slow resulting in a softer edge. I wouldn’t call it boomy but more a little woolly. Don’t take this as a bad thing though because it makes for a smoother listen and adds a bit of fun factor.
In the midrange, the Whizzer is rich and smooth making vocals and stringed instruments sound natural with a warm resonance, especially in the lower range. Female vocals can get pushed a little behind the lower end but things like guitars and orchestral music sound lush and musical.
Separation and details are pretty impressive considering the amount of bass they are competing with. At times it almost sounds like a hybrid or double dynamic as the mids and highs rise up, bringing detail out of the bassy foundation. There’s no hint of graininess in vocals and everything sounds natural and lifelike.
The treble is one of my favourite things about this IEM. It’s well extended and plays a great part in lifting music up above the heavy bass. There’s a real airiness to it that adds a sense of space and dare I say a hint of shimmer in the top end. Sibilance is not an issue so bright tracks and crashing cymbals won’t be a problem if you’re sensitive to treble. This is one of those earphones that finds the perfect balance between lift and edginess and continues to impress me every time I listen to them.
Soundstage is pretty decent thanks to that airy treble but overall it’s fairly average for a sub $100 IEM. It really depends a lot on the recording as bassy tracks will sound more intimate due to the A15’s tuning. Similarly, imaging is good but takes a hit when there’s a lot of bass in the track.
*Just out of curiosity I decided to remove the anti-dust dampers to see if the sound was affected. I could be wrong but to my ears, this seemed to tighten up the bass a little and open the top end up a bit more. I also noticed after I had removed the dampers that there’s actually a metal grill in the bottom of the nozzle as well so prevent ear wax and debris getting into the casings. The description of the sound above is with the dampers IN.
Veedix NC50 ($56 USD)
The NC50 has a thinner/colder midrange and a closer to neutral and snappier bass. Both have good extension in the treble and neither of them gets abrasive in the high frequencies. For my ears both of these are very comfortable and perfect for long listening sessions. Although the Veedix has a good accessory bundle the A15’s is crazy good. I think they’re both great sounding and good value.
SHOZY Zero ($60 USD)
Well here is the Zero making another appearance. The Whizzer has more bass and is much warmer in the midrange. The recessed treble on the Zero gives it a darker sound overall despite its cool mids as the Whizzer has got some really nice, airy treble going on.
When it comes to accessories the SHOZY isn’t too bad. It comes with a pretty handy carry case and different sized ear-tips but again overall the package doesn’t come close to the A15. These two have very different sound signatures and are both competent in their own ways but the Whizzer’s overall package makes it seem like the better value to me personally.
This was another earphone that took me by surprise. Knowing that this was the company’s first attempt at an IEM I felt pretty certain that there would have to be some rough edges at least in the construction but I’m not averse to admitting when I’m wrong.
The quality of the A15 is stellar, to say the least. It’s a shame that the same can’t be said about the cable’s memory wire but that might be completely subjective as there’s a good chance it will work perfectly for other people so I won’t be deducting any points for that.
The packaging and accessories are top notch and when you add that to the quality of the IEMs themselves in terms of build and sonic abilities it makes you wonder how some other companies arrive at their pricing plan. Sure it’s not the most refined sound out there but it’s definitely up there with most others I’ve heard in the same price bracket.
The Whizzer A15 is a sleeper IEM that in my opinion deserves more recognition amongst enthusiasts. If you like a good dose of bass and some warmth in the mids then you really should take a look at this one, you won’t regret it. The future is looking bright for Weizawa Technology.
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